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Cybersecurity and Privacy Dialogue between Europe and Japan

EUNITY aims to encourage, facilitate and develop the dialogue between Europe and Japan on cybersecurity and privacy research and innovation trends and challenges, in order to foster and promote cybersecurity activities in both regions.


  1. Encourage, facilitate and support the ICT dialogue between relevant EU and Japanese stakeholders on matters relating to cybersecurity and privacy R&I trends and challenges by organizing at least two workshops, ensuring a broad participation of the relevant stakeholders (policy groups representatives, industry representatives, academia representatives) in the workshops and by feeding back the collected information into EU-based groups such as ECSO, EOS, NIS, and the CSA.
  2. Identify potential opportunities for future cooperation between European and Japanese R&I ecosystems and policy makers by identifying and mapping the relevant legislation, policies and cybersecurity agendas, roadmaps and timelines at the EU level (NIS platform, cybersecurity cPPP) and at the National level, as well as in Japan, clearly identifying and prioritising the joint topics in a proposed EU-Japan Cybersecurity and Privacy Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (EUJ-C&P-SRIA) and ensuring that the collected information is made widely available through modern communication means.
  3. Foster and promote European cybersecurity innovation activities and increase the international visibility of EU activities in cybersecurity, by showcasing important results of projects and including key European research actors (companies and researchers) in the project’s workshops.